Package org.iperg.part.core

Interface Summary
IpCommandHandler The IpCommandHandler interface defined methods to be implemented by command handlers.
IpDebugHandler The IpDebugHandler interface defines the methods required to recieve debug messages.
IpEventHandler IpEventHandler specifies an interface for event handlers.
IpInputStream The IpInputStream interface specifies methods for reading various types of data from a byte stream.
IpOutputStream The IpOutputStream interface specifies methods for writing various types of data to a byte stream.
IpScriptInterp The IpScriptInterp interface defines method to be implemented by script interpreters.
IpSerializable The IpSerializable interface specifies methods that allows an object's state to be serialized to and from a byte stream.

Class Summary
IpConnection The IpConnection class is the super class of all protocol specific connection classes.
IpEvent IpEvent is the base class of all platform events.
IpEventManager The IpEventManager class specifies a platform manager that is responsible for dispatching events to their destinations.
IpHttpConnection The IpHttpConnection class implements a PART HTTP protocol connection.
IpIdentifier The IpIdentifier class represents identifiers that may be unique in time and space.
IpIoStream The IpIoStream class can be used to create io streams that support encoding and decoding of data to and from a byte stream.
IpNetworkEvent The IpNetworkEvent class is used to represent events that can be sent to remote platform objects, via the network.
IpObject The IpObject class is the super class of all PART replicated objects.
IpObjectEvent IpObjectEvent events are generated to notify the application about changes to replicated objects.
IpObjectPattern The IpObjectPattern class is used to create object patterns that can be matched against instances of any PART object class.
IpObjectSearchEvent IpObjectSearchEvent is generated when the result of a broadcast object search is received from a remote process.
IpProcess The IpProcess class is used to represent processes in a multi-process PART session.
IpProcessEvent The IpProcessEvent class describes events that concern remote processes, for instances the establishment of a new connection between the local and some remote process.
IpSubscriptionEvent IpSubscriptionEvent events are generated when the subscription status of object subscribed by the local process changes.
IpSystem The IpSystem class provides the main PART API for setting up connections to remote processes, and for listening and accepting incoming connections.
IpTcpConnection The IpTcpConnection class implements a PART Tcp protocol connection.
IpUrl The IpUrl class is used to represent URLs that express network addresses using a protocol specific syntax.

Exception Summary
IpAlreadyConnectedException An IpAlreadyConnectedException is thrown if the process sets up a connection to a process to which it is already connected.
IpException The IpException class is the super class of all IPerG exceptions.
IpInvalidUrlException An IpInvalidUrlException is thrown if an URL used to connect to a remote address, or listen for incoming connections on a local address, is invalid.
IpNoSuchPropertyException An IpNoSuchPropertyException is thrown when someone tries to update an object property which doesn't exist.
IpTimeoutException An IpTimeoutException is thrown if an operation that involves communicating with a remote process takes to long time to complete.
IpVetoException An IpVetoException is thrown if an update to a property is not allowed by the platform.